This map from 1898 shows the location that Greenwood was located. We know there was a hotel, a train depot with a side spur for loading/unloading and probably some form …
Rockford winter scene
Ray Wendling, on a horse drawn sled with milk cans on Bridge Street in Rockford. Schleif’s garage sign is clearly visible on the brick building to the left, a Grain …
Greenfield Threshing Crew circa 1910
A look back at one of the area’s threshing teams. The steam engine in back belonged to August Greehling who used the engine for his saw mill as well as …
Jeffie Hauser – circa 1870
Evelyn Jeffersonia “Jeffie” Hauser was the daughter of Judge Nathaniel Timotheus Hauser II of Minneapolis. In 1871 Jeffie married James M Harris. The couple would move east to Pennsylvania where …
O. F. Anderson Calendar
O. F. Anderson owned and operated a general store in Rockford prior to 1910.
Harpo Lemmage 1940’s
Harpo Lemmage pauses for a snapshot after a game in the late 1940’s while he played town ball for Rockford. The jacket Harpo is wearing has the patch from Rockford …