The Rockford house circa 1960. Eight lanes for bowling, full bar and dining. Doc Torblaa started the establishment, later added the bowling alley. Later Bill Sipe bought the Rockford House.
Rockford Train Depot
A haunting image of the Rockford train depot on the north side of the tracks, just east of the Crow River. Today DiversiFoam’s parking lot would come close to the …
Schroeder Lutheran Church
Most of Rockford’s earliest settles were of English ancestry. German immigrants began coming with greater frequency about 1870. Once settled into their homesteads; German settlers looked for a place of …
David Cadwell
Rockford had it’s own version of Davy Crockett. Below is the story of David Cadwell from the St. Paul Globe in 1885. David Cadwell A Well Known Hunter from the …
1910’s Rockford Town Team baseball
Rockford Baseball team circa 1916: Back row Middle is John Schaar (I think Mutterers are on either side of him) Middle row left is Jacob Kettenacker, we are looking for …
July 4, 1900 Rockford Parade
Sharing a photo taken by William Wallof on July 4th, 1900 in Rockford that is part of the archives included in the Hennepin County Library digital collection. The photographer is …
Herman Mutterer Farm 1920’s
Sleighs were used often in the winter to transport people and products. The Rockford Mercantile Store in Rockford sold sleighs, cutters and buggies to area residents. Pictured are two of …
Bridge Street 1935
View looking west on Bridge Street towards downtown Rockford. The building on the left on the east bank of the Crow River operated as a bar prior to prohibition. Once …
Henry Mack Shoe Store circa 1875
Henry Mack arrived in Rockford prior to 1868 when he purchased a lot on the Mill Block facing Main Street where he opened a shop manufacturing and repairing shoes. At …
Johnson Brothers Bank circa 1905
The Johnson Brother’s store did well, and the brothers (Frank & Chester Johnson) added to their businesses with a meat market, grain dealership, shares in the Rockford Creamery and in …
Peter Miller – Civil War Veteran
Elmwood Cemetery in Rockford, Minnesota is the final resting spot of more than 60 Civil War veterans. There are an additional 180 veterans buried there that served our country during …