The 1965 Flooding of Crow River at Rockford
In 2019 – 2020, RAHS collected memories of the 1965 flooding of the Crow River here in Rockford. The projected was funded by a MN Small Legacy Grant. It’s an enjoyable, and somewhat surprising look at a piece of our history.
WANTED: Your Stories
When you are asked to describe the history of your town what comes to mind? Is it the people, or buildings or maybe organizations or could it be something else? In 2023 the Rockford Area Historical Society will be making an extra effort to listen to your stories and fold those pieces into others we have recorded. Our goal is to raise the awareness and knowledge of the Rockford area prior to WWII. Pictured is a baseball uniform wore by Butch Quady that was donated to the Rockford Area Historical Society. From this donation we learned much about Butch, who was born in 1899. Butch played town team baseball for Rockford and a few other towns pitching until he was in his 50’s. Besides baseball, Butch was an amazing boxer and was a pilot. What stories do you have that should be shared and passed onto future generations? Preserve these stories and local history by contacting us at
Thank you!
RAHS Board of Directors
Kevin Koehler, Bonnie Maue, Annette Tryon, Michelle Bartlett, James Eldien, Doug White, Marsha White, Nikki Nute, Jeff Nute and Perry Buffie
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are essential to the Rockford Area Historical Society. Whether you enjoy gardening, working with people, doing research, or are interested in serving on the organization’s Board of Trustees, there are plenty of volunteer options available. The assistance volunteers give allows the Historical Society to provide visitors with an exceptional experience. Opportunities are available weekly, monthly or seasonally.
Upcoming Events
August 10, 2024 @ 2pm

July 4, 1900 Rockford Parade
Sharing a photo taken by William Wallof on July 4th, 1900 in Rockford that is part of the archives included…

Herman Mutterer Farm 1920’s
Sleighs were used often in the winter to transport people and products. The Rockford Mercantile Store in Rockford sold sleighs,…

Bridge Street 1935
View looking west on Bridge Street towards downtown Rockford. The building on the left on the east bank of the…

Henry Mack Shoe Store circa 1875
Henry Mack arrived in Rockford prior to 1868 when he purchased a lot on the Mill Block facing Main Street…

Johnson Brothers Bank circa 1905
The Johnson Brother’s store did well, and the brothers (Frank & Chester Johnson) added to their businesses with a meat…

Peter Miller – Civil War Veteran
Elmwood Cemetery in Rockford, Minnesota is the final resting spot of more than 60 Civil War veterans. There are an…