If you look closely above the sailboat is a 3 rail fence. I think it is the same fence that was on the east side of the Crow River just …
Ice Harvest on the Crow River
In the late 1800’s ice harvesting was still the main source of keeping food cold in our area. Refrigeration was just becoming popular in the East coast, but it would …
Rockford gentlemen on east bank of the Crow River
Unknown gentlemen on the east bank of the Crow River. In the background, while faint, there is a tremendous amount of detail. On the right you can see the iron …
Rockford Flood 1965
The post office in Rockford in 1965 was very near the river, on the east side of Lieder street. The red item in front of the building was the mail …
Rockford 1965 Flood
April 1965 brought a fast melt of winter snow, along with a ground that was saturated from a wet fall in 1964. The result was the most severe flooding Rockford …
1952 Rockford Flood
While the 1965 flood was the highest on record, the flood of 1952 flood also displaced many residents and caused significant flooding. Travel by boat was common, as many residents …